
If you would like to donate, we would love you to donate. Holly and Susan are looking for kind-hearted creative supporters.

You can donate via Patreon and Ko-fi.

The Grace Economy

Notice and cherish what we have now

Elders are the keepers of the wisdom

Martin Wroe on Thought for the Day BBC Radio 4

Become a Patron!

Patreon is one of the best ways to support independent artists for a monthly or annual subscription!

On Ko-fi you can choose a ‘one-off’ donation or a monthly donation.

For monthly donors there are extras, like access to the ‘uninterupted’ episode with Joan Mills and the extended episode with Nino Naneishvili.

Donate - heart made from hands showing gratitude

Donate for a Sustainable Podcast: Creatively, Energetically and Financially

You can use Ko-fi or Patreon to make your gift to the podcast. We’re working towards covering the time costs for creating an episode, by paying ourselves fairly. We are taking baby steps by asking you, our listeners to raise £1500. By donating as little as £3 a month, you could help cover Susan and Holly’s time costs as we:

  • Conduct guest interviews.
  • Research music and photographs.
  • Transcribe and edit interviews.
  • Create episode cover art.
  • Publish episodes on Soundcloud
  • Communicate new episode via social media and email list (you can join the list here:

Donate for a heart made from hearts.

Thank you to everyone for helping us.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay